Venue:                      Kellihers Property on Seadown Rd, same paddock as our last meeting. Will be sign posted.

Scrutineering:     9am – 10am

Drivers Briefing: 10am

Racing: 10.15am

PLEASE help us to keep true to our times, if you’re going to be late for scrutineering please let a Committee member know.


Entry Fee: $20.00 is per family residing at the same address, (would be appreciated if you could have the correct money)


Day Subs $10.00 plus entry fee, (per family residing at same address) if you are a non-financial member


Yearly Subs             $50.00 per family were set at the AGM back in May, in order to race you need to be financial if not a DAY MEMBERSHIP is charged, along with the race entry fee,  Day Membership is only for a day and is charged each time you race if your yearly membership remains unpaid.


BBQ:             Will be after the 2nd round, Sausage, onions and sauce wrapped in bread $2.00, drinks $1

Please see our JUNE 2021 newsletter for more information about memberships and kart numbers.